A new digital experience for Emerging Technology firm in Glasgow
Project Overview

We approached Feynic Technology, a forward-thinking tech firm based in Glasgow, to reimagine their online presence. Their goal was to create a website that not only reflected their innovative spirit but also provided a seamless user experience for their clients and stakeholders whilst keeping them in the loop of insights and events.

Feynic Technology
Emerging Technology
Research / Strategy / Website Design / Website Development
Visit Website

Our first step was to gain a comprehensive understanding of Feynic Technology’s brand, target audience, and the industry landscape. We conducted in-depth interviews with key stakeholders at Feynic Technology to understand their vision, mission, and unique selling points. These discussions provided valuable insights into their target audience and their expectations from the website. Alongside, we performed a competitive analysis, examining competitor websites to identify industry standards and opportunities for differentiation.

This analysis helped us understand the strengths and weaknesses of competitor sites, informing our design and functionality choices. Our research efforts resulted in a thorough understanding of Feynic Technology’s brand identity, user needs, and market position, which served as the foundation for the project’s strategy and design phases.


With a solid research foundation, we developed a strategic roadmap for the website redesign that aligned with Feynic Technology’s goals and user needs. We began by establishing clear objectives for the new website, including improved user experience, enhanced brand presence, and better lead generation. To guide our design decisions, we created user personas based on our research findings, ensuring that the website would cater to the needs and behaviours of different user groups.

We then developed a new site map to improve navigation and ensure that key information was easily accessible. By prioritising content and features that would provide the most value to users, we set a strong framework for the website. Additionally, we planned a content strategy to highlight Feynic Technology’s expertise and services, developing a consistent tone of voice and messaging framework to strengthen their brand identity. This strategic plan aligned the website’s structure, content, and features with Feynic Technology’s business goals and user expectations.


Our objective for the design phase was to create a visually appealing and user-friendly design that reflected Feynic Technology’s brand identity. We started by developing mood boards to explore visual styles and ensure alignment with Feynic Technology’s brand aesthetics. After presenting different design directions to the client for feedback and approval, we moved on to the next step.

We created low-fidelity wireframes to map out the website’s layout and user flow. These wireframes allowed us to establish a clear structure and navigation path, which we iterated based on client feedback to ensure an optimal user experience.

With a solid layout in place, we designed high-fidelity mockups in Figma, incorporating Feynic Technology’s branding elements. Our focus was on creating a clean, modern look with intuitive navigation and engaging visuals. These high-fidelity designs served as a detailed visual guide for the development phase. To validate our design choices and ensure a user-centric approach before development, we created interactive prototypes in Figma. These clickable prototypes simulated the user experience, including key interactions and animations, providing a realistic preview of the website’s functionality.

The final phase involved bringing the approved designs to life with a fully functional website built on the WordPress CMS. We began by setting up the WordPress project and configuring the CMS to support dynamic content management. Implementing SEO best practices from the outset ensured enhanced search engine visibility.

Development: Building the Experience

During the development process, we translated the high-fidelity designs into responsive WordPress pages. We ensured cross-browser compatibility and optimised performance for fast loading times, creating a seamless experience for users across all devices.

Prioritising Content Management

We integrated the WordPress CMS to allow Feynic Technology to easily manage and update website content. To ensure the client’s team could effectively use the CMS, we provided comprehensive training on how to manage their content effortlessly.


Our rigorous quality assurance process involved thorough testing to identify and fix any bugs or issues, ensuring the website was fully functional and met all project requirements. The outcome was a fully developed website that accurately reflected Feynic Technology’s brand, offered an excellent user experience, and provided the client with the tools to manage their content effortlessly.

The collaboration between Senso and Feynic Technology resulted in a modern, user-friendly website that aligns with the client’s vision and business objectives. Through a strategic approach and a focus on user experience, we successfully delivered a website that not only looks great but also serves as a powerful tool for Feynic Technology’s digital presence.

The final phase involved bringing the approved designs to life with a fully functional website built on the WordPress CMS. We began by setting up the WordPress project and configuring the CMS to support dynamic content management. Implementing SEO best practices from the outset ensured enhanced search engine visibility.